Person-Centered Approach
Your Voice Matters
We believe that every person is unique and, therefore, everyone’s view of his or her own world, and their ability to manage it, should be trusted. We offer insight, a new idea, or challenge you to explore yourself. In the end, we want you to understand what is best for you.
We believe in the idea that each of us has the power to find the best solutions for ourselves and the ability to make appropriate changes in our lives.
We are psychological guides on your journey, supporting you to find your inner strength and resilience.
The Approach
The approach can benefit people who seek to gain more self-confidence, a stronger sense of identity or authenticity, greater success in establishing interpersonal relationships, and more trust in their own decisions.
Talk Therapy
Talk therapy goes by multiple names, including psychotherapy, counseling, and therapy. It is a communication-based method to assess, diagnose, and treat concerns related to emotions, thinking, and behavior patterns.
Is talk therapy just the client talking and the therapist listening?
Not at all.
Talking might be the process that is used, but the therapist is actually using Cognitive, Dialectical, and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (CBT, DBT, REBT), even Trauma Informed knowledge and so many more techniques while talking to the client.
The conditions most commonly treated with talk therapy include anxiety, ADHD, depression, panic disorder, personality disorders, PTSD, OCD, addictions, phobias, and so many more.

Testing and Assessment
If a person is having problems at work, school, in personal relationships, etc., a cognitive and/or psychological test can help. A therapist uses the information from these tests to understand whether the person might have issues with executive functioning, interpersonal skills, or if there is a personality trait that could be contributing to the problem. Other tests evaluate whether clients are experiencing emotional disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Guided Discovery
Guided discovery is a therapeutic process that helps clients reflect on the way they process information. It involves a therapeutic dialogue that assists clients in finding their own solutions to their problems. Guided discovery is a 2-way process that incorporates the principle of collaboration, helping the client feel respected, accepted, and valued as part of a team.